The ELAN AUDIO ENGINEERING LAB branded products covered by this warranty are warranted to the original owner against manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship for the lifetime of the product, except for the tubes and/or shipping cost. This warranty applies to all The ELAN AUDIO ENGINEERING LAB branded product .
If your product covered by this warranty fails due to a manufacturing defect we will repair it without charge, or replace it, at our discretion. Only original, unaltered and unmodified items and workmanship are covered. This warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, improper care, negligence, normal wear and tear, or the natural breakdown of materials over extended time and use. Damage not covered under warranty may be repaired for a reasonable rate and a fee will be charged for return shipping.
The products eligible for the lifetime warranty are covered to the original owner, for the lifetime of the product. Unfortunately, this does not mean your lifetime. Your ELAN AUDIO ENGINEERING LAB products may not survive to the ripe old age of 70 or maybe it will
For warranty evaluation, your product must be returned directly to us with a Warranty Return Form. All shipping to Warranty must be pre-paid and insured. ELAN AUDIO ELGINEERING LAB will not be liable for lost in-bound packages.